
It's time

This text should have been posted one year ago, and it actually relates to a previous post titled 'time to wake up'. So this is more like ‘Part Two’.

What happens when one sets a goal, and keeps it above all others? When things don’t seem to work out well, the most common thing is to give it up. But sometimes, not reaching the goal can also be a motivation to try again, to try harder.

I have put this goal so high, and it has been so difficult to reach that I cannot even say how much I had to give up, I started to doubt whether it was worth it or not. I have to acknowledge it has been hard, I almost felt like I have been left with nothing.

But things have changed, I am about to reach this so longed goal.

Now I see it this way. I have been preparing, planning, designing something almost without knowing. I have focused on setting up the foundations. That is why from afar it is not remarkable, because most of it is just a preparation, barely noticeable. But the setting is strong, the design is well planned. Good things take time, and the best things are always hard to reach.

I set the framework so that no matter what, this will work out, I will make it work. I am building myself, I will build this future, it’s time to make it real. This is the big divide, this is how it all starts… so, bring it on, I can’t wait.


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