

One Day

...Tokens of a lifetime,
Hear if you try,
I'll tell you what you wanna hear if you try...


The Function of Education

I wonder if we have ever asked ourselves what education means. Why do we go to school, why do we learn various subjects, why do we pass examinations and compete with each other for better grades? What does this so-called education mean, and what is it all about? This is really a very important question, not only for the students, but also for the parents, for the teachers, and for everyone who loves this earth. Why do we go through the struggle to be educated? Is it merely in order to pass some examinations and get a job? Or is it the function of education to prepare us while we are young to understand the whole process of life? Having a job and earning one's livelihood is necessary - but is that all? Are we being educated only for that? Surely, life is not merely a job, an occupation; life is something extraordinarily wide and profound, it is a great mystery, a vast realm in which we function as human beings. If we merely prepare ourselves to earn a livelihood, we shall miss the whole point of life; and to understand life is much more important than merely to prepare for examinations and become very proficient in mathematics, physics, or what you will.

So, whether we are teachers or students, is it not important to ask ourselves why we are educating or being educated? And what does life mean? Is not life an extraordinary thing? The birds, the flowers, the flourishing trees, the heavens, the stars, the rivers and the fish therein - all this is life. Life is the poor and the rich; life is the constant battle between groups, races and nations; life is meditation; life is what we call religion, and it is also the subtle, hidden things of the mind - the envies, the ambitions, the passions, the fears, fulfilments and anxieties. All this and much more is life. But we generally prepare ourselves to understand only one small corner of it. We pass certain examinations, find a job, get married, have children, and then become more and more like machines. We remain fearful, anxious, frightened of life. So, is it the function of education to help us understand the whole process of life, or is it merely to prepare us for a vocation, for the best job we can get?

What is going to happen to all of us when we grow to be men and women? Have you ever asked yourselves what you are going to do when you grow up? In all likelihood you will get married, and before you know where you are you will be mothers and fathers; and you will then be tied to a job, or to the kitchen, in which you will gradually wither away. Is that all that your life is going to be? Have you ever asked yourselves this question? Should you not ask it? If your family is wealthy you may have a fairly good position already assured, your father may give you a comfortable job, or you may get richly married; but there also you will decay, deteriorate. Do you see?

Surely, education has no meaning unless it helps you to understand the...



Welcome to Tijuana

Para nosotros la dignidad insurrecta.

Para nosotros el futuro negado.

Para nosotros nada.

Reforma, Libertad, Justicia y Ley

El General en Jefe del Ejército Libertador del Sur

Emiliano Zapata.

Manifiesto zapatista en náhuatl.

Nuestra lucha es por el respeto a nuestro derecho a gobernar y gobernarnos, y el mal gobierno impone a los más la ley de los menos.

Nuestra lucha es por la libertad para el pensamiento y el caminar, y el mal gobierno pone cárceles y tumbas.

Nuestra lucha es por la justicia, y el mal gobierno se llena de criminales y asesinos.

Techo, tierra, trabajo, pan, salud, educación, independencia, democracia, libertad. Estas fueron nuestras demandas en la larga noche de los 500 años. Estas son, hoy, nuestras exigencias.

Hermanos y hermanas de otras razas y otras lenguas, aquél a cuya mano se acerque este manifiesto, que lo haga pasar a todos los hombres de esos pueblos.

(Extraido del álbum Clandestino, de Manu-Chao, y vínculos a páginas con más del mismo mensaje).


como extrañar

no sé.

cómo hacer algo que sabes que no se hace. es decir, en un mundo en el que es importante ser independiente, autosuficiente, libre, incluso tener mas lujos o más poder que el vecino, ¿cómo se extraña a alguien?, ¿qué es eso?

hasta lo que he llegado a entender, no se deben mostrar las debilidades ante el enemigo, e incluso con los amigos hay que tener discreción.

dice la RAE, echar de menos a alguien o algo, sentir su falta.

pero sentir la falta... simplemente es saber que ya no está ahí, punto. uno tiene que levantar la frente y seguir adelante. cómo quedarse a "extrañar" cuando la vida sigue con su mismo paso acelerado de siempre, hay tantas cosas por hacer, y que no se harán solas. para mi simplemente no hay espacio para extrañar en la agenda cotidiana.

saber extrañar para mi equivale como a saber caer. ¡¡cómo aprender a hacer algo que se supone que no debe pasar!! es decir, sólo gente que practica deportes extremos o cosas así tienen una buena razón para aprender a caer, porque en la vida cotidiana la gente simplemente se acuesta, se sienta y se para. camina y a veces corre, pero no lo hace con la intención de caer.

sin embargo, cómo quisiera verte de nuevo...


smart again


... when she took my eyebrow from my forehead, thinking it was some kind of lint or piece of fuzz?

I actually believed what she said, but when she pulled it out and showed me, I realized it was my eyebrow!!

then you saw it and said that you were once told that having a white eyebrow means that that person is very smart, remember?

it was very weird at that time.

and then I started feeling I was not that smart,

well, I want to tell you that these days I discovered one of those in the same place as before, an another one, on the other side, but a little over the eyebrow area, very thin, almost invisible.

... I want to feel smart again


Los únicos errores que cometemos son las cosas que no hacemos.

I once had a Blog

yes I did, but it doesn't exist anymore.

I rescued most of the pics I had there, and I post them here. the text, well, I'm going to reblog some of the content, one day or another.

parental advisory


la ecuación de la vida

¿algodón de aguacate? jajaja

efecto de lente gravitacional

prohibido seguir de frente

figura museo federico silva


librería de libros

Impossible is nothing

cáscaras de mandarina

Bild 1





reloj de nico



melón y duraznos

la gorda

la mica

las matemáticas no mienten

qué son las mujeres?


¡enséñame para ver qué quiero!

para complementar la entrada anterior, ayer escuché una frase que queda perfecto con la entrada pasada, pero ya no se puede incluir como parte de la misma.

"¡enséñame para ver qué quiero!"

es una frase que yo repetía antes de decidir qué dulce comprar. convencía a alguno de mis papás que me llevaran a la tienda porque quería algo, pero no sabía qué. y una vez ahí, quería que me cargarn para alcanzar a ver mejor todo, y entonces seleccionar algo.

la primera conclusión que puedo sacar es que no quería nada en específico. sólo quería satisfacer mi necesidad de algo nuevo,  ese impulso natural que la mercadotecnia lo ha sabido aprovechar muy bien. así, llegaba al escaparate y no sabía qué sería bueno escoger, a veces no se me antojaba nada, y con frecuencia pedía algo que nunca había probado, sólo para saber qué es.

y la segunda conclusión es que, al final de cuentas, tal vez todos somos un poco así. está en nuestra naturaleza primero conocer todas las opciones, para después decidirnos por una. ¿cómo llegar a la tienda con la idea bien clara de qué es exactamente lo que quiero?, si ni siquiera sé lo que hay, si ni siquiera he probado todas las opciones, ¿cómo saber cuál quiero?


life's stuff

life is about...

to your question 'how do you know what you want?' well, I can't be accurate. I think it's just something you have to feel within you. you want it and that's it.

but if you mean something more complicated like, for example, 'what is the best way to find the balance between what you really want to do in life with what gives you successful future?' well that's a whole different thing.

I told you about several different factors you have to take in account:
•what you really like, something you could do every day of your life for no salary.
•what you have talent in, something you know you can do better than many others, specially something with which you can make money.
•and what your family and environment lets you or helps you to do, if for example everyone in your family is lawyer, you have an easy way to become another. but if your parents are not going to pay for a major different from medicine, well it's a hard restriction. and if your family has many friends in business, maybe they'll help you build your future. this is actually the most changing and subjective from the factors I'm considering.

this is just a sketch of my ideas, but of course they can be developed further.

I just found this image somewhere in the internet, but I found it can also help explain these ideas.

and... what do you think?


Nosotros los Mexicanos

Este video lleva tiempo en internet.

Después de 200 años, ya es tiempo de dejarse de tonterías y de construir un país...